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Support Links


All students have access to the Unifrog online careers programme and session are supported in subject lessons, tutor time and to record careers activities. Students can also use this platform to compare every undergraduate course in the UK additionally to international opportunities, including a comprehensive list of apprenticeships including higher degree apprenticeships.

To log in first time students will need a sign-up code unique to their form group.

If you are a parent/ carer and would like to use Unifrog, there is a parent/carer login to allow you to support your child every step of the way. Contact Unifrog at for your unique login information.

Work Experience

Work experience is compulsory in Years 10 and 12 - all of these students are expected to participate. They will be given packs and instructions on how to access the database.

Parents or carers who have any queries, or would like further information about the work experience programme, please do not hesitate to call Miss Megan Boome on 01202 528554 or email:

Please see below for useful websites for Careers research. 

National Careers Service

ASK Apprenticeships 

Become an Apprentice



Careers Newsletters

We produce a termly Careers Newsletter emailed out to Students and Parents. Click here to see our Careers Newsletters.