Contact Us
Contact Details:
The Bourne Academy
Hadow Rd
Dorset BH10 5HS
01202 528554
Please note that all calls in and out of the Academy are recorded for monitoring and training purposes.
- Attendance Officer
- Direct telephone number - 01202 636996 or Academy Switchboard - 01202 528554
- Email:
Reception: (Open from 8.20am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday)
If teachers are unavailable due to teaching, please leave a message with Reception. They will email your message directly to to relevant staff member.
- Tel: 01202 528554
- Email:
- Mr Mark Avoth
- 01202 528554
- Mr St John, Vice Principal & Designated Child Protection Officer
- Mrs Beer (Lead)
- Mrs Franklin (Lead)
- Tel: 01202 528554
In an emergency please contact the police (tel: 999) The BCP children's out of hours service can be contacted on 01202 738256. The Dorset out of hours children's service can be contacted on 01202 228866. During normal office hours, concerns about children in Bournemouth Christchurch or Poole can be raised by contacting the BCP multi agency safeguarding hub on 01202 735046. Concerns about children in Dorset county can be raised by contacting 01202 228866.
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND):
- Mrs Tess McHugh - SEND Coordinator
- Tel: 01202 528554
- Email:
Primary School Transition, Admissions (including in year admissions):
- Miss Dawson for Transition
- Tel: 01202 528554
- Email:
- Mrs Turner - Business Director
- Tel: 01202 528554
- Email:
Sixth Form:
- Mr Taafe - Head of Sixth Form
- Tel: 01202 528554
- Email:
Chair of Governors:
- Mrs Heidi Leavesley (If you would like to contact the Chair, please write to her at the main Academy address above).
General Enquiries
- Claire Boscarelli
- Tel: 01202 528554
- Email:
Community Lettings
- Schools Plus
- Tel: 0345 222 2323
- Email:
All our facilities have direct access from the car park and are suitable for disabled access. There are 80 car parking spaces (4 disabled) in the internal car park and 46 spaces in the pick up/drop off car park situated at the front of the Academy.
How to find us on Google Maps: