Governance Structure
The Governing Body of The Bourne Academy have ultimate responsibility for the strategic directions of the school. The day-to-day management is delegated to the Leadership Team, headed by the Executive Group under the guidance of the Principal. Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds and provide expertise in many areas whilst acting as a critical friend to the Leadership Team of the school.
Full Governing Body meetings take place four times a year (2 x Autumn Term, 1 x Spring Term, and 1 x Summer Term). The Governing Body also has established committees with responsibility for Finance, Pay, Risk Management and Appeals. The Finance Committee meets at least once a term, the Pay Committee (as part of the Finance Committee) meets annually and the other committees meet as and when required.
The Academy also has a Link Governor programme, with each key area of the Academy linked to a specific Governor to ensure that the Governing Body has a good insight into all areas of the Academy. The executive leaders of each area usually meet with their Link Governors on a termly basis.
The summary of meeting attendance by the Governors is included in the Annual Report and Financial Statements, which are available on the Academy’s website.
Heidi Leavesley
Henry Bishop
Dan Butt
Mark Avoth
David Mastrocola
Caroline Foster
Emma Barrett
Ben Vessey
David Neill
Clare Jess
Alex Sloley
Tim Porter
Ian Glen
Darren Cheeseman
Luis Marques
Judicium Education
Chair (Sponsor Governor)
Vice Chair (Sponsor Governor)
Vice Chair (Sponsor Governor)
Staff Governor
Local Authority Governor
Education Partner
Sponsor Governor
Sponsor Governor
Sponsor Governor
Sponsor Governor
Sponsor Governor
Sponsor Governor
Community Governor
Parent Governor
Clerk to Governors
Governor forms and information:
Governors Details & Business Interests