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Year 7 Assessments

Year 8 Assessments

Year 9 Assessments

Year 10 Assessments

Year 11 GCSE Assessments

Year 11 Mocks Letter 11.10.24

Year 11 Mock Exams Timetable 11.10.24

Year 12 End of Year Assessments

Year 13 Asessments


Examination Tips:
  • Overall impression – neat work equals neat mind. Some exam boards still award marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar
  • Legible handwriting – if the examiner can’t read it easily they won’t bother to try to decipher it
  • No gel pens – many papers are scanned now and marked electronically and gel pens don’t show up
  • Use keywords/vocabulary related to the subject. This shows you have a good understanding of the topic
  • If you use extra pages ensure that they are attached with a treasury tag and each page is named
  • Don’t use swear words or text speak
  • Don’t waffle, stick to the point and avoid repetition
  • Don’t doodle on the answer paper
  • There are only so many ways of asking the same questions on a topic. Although questions are not repeated word for word, the underlying questions will be roughly the same. So do lots of past papers, you will begin to recognise patterns
  • If there is only a small gap for your answer the examiner isn’t expecting an essay
  • If you make a mistake, put one line through it to cross it out
  • Only answer the number of questions you are asked for.  If you answer them all, the examiners have to mark them and then select your best responses

To view the Exam Word Processing Policy, click HERE

Information for Candidates:

Below are documents which contain all of the JCQ candidate information for our students are required to read.  This information covers online exams, coursework, presentations, use of information and written exams.  It is vital that all students aware if these policies to ensure that they are adhering to them throughout their course.  Please read each document thoroughly.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Redrup or Miss Franklin in the Exams Office, or via email

Information for Candidates:

Information for Parents Elevate Parent Guide



Year 13 Leavers 

We still hold some certificates from our Sixth Form leavers, please email the Sixth Form administrator for any outstanding certificates: